Monday, 8 March 2010

DUB - CPH revisited, the HC Andersen View

It's been 996 years since the battle of Clontarf and the Irish Viking Age ended.. About time we came back and checked up on you guys!

Battle ready as always, one of our guys got held up by airport security for trying to board the plane carrying a knife that Crocodile Dundee definitely would've labelled a noyffe.. Caught the flight anyway and off we went - 2 days of drinking, art, pizza and more drinking!

At the eve of the battle we went out looking for a good spot to prepare ourselves and the battle piece in.. Imagine our surprise when we spotted the Dublin team doing exactly this in a pub window! Who could've resisted having a quick sneak-peak?! Not team Copenhagen anyway..
Strengthened by our newfound advantage we found our own more low-key pub and began working.
Simple concepts are often the most effective in Secret Wars. Basically we had a Danish sailor urinating into a pot surrounded by happy leprechauns. The pee being the rainbow that marks where to find the pot of gold...but in this case it was the "Potty O' Gold"! Couldn't resist adding the punchline "Probably the Best Piss in the World" referencing the famous Danish beer and it's constant ad campaigns all over the world!

Time for battle!
Team Copenhagen started strongly and halfway through the difference in speed between the two teams was obvious. The Danish piece was almost ready for judgment while the Irish wall was still very very white.. As the all important details were added in the end the Dubliners surprisingly got going and finished very strongly.

Both teams had done well but I have to say that we were feeling pretty confident snatching both the judges votes. Superior COMPOSITION, ENERGY and PUNCHLINE should have given Team Copenhagen the win!! (if you ask me, captain of Team CPH and perhaps not 100% objective)

All in all, despite losing, it was a great night! The venue was quirky but perfect, ram packed with enthusiastic Secret Wars fans and the atmosphere was super. We definitely look forward to getting our revenge at the home match this summer!

Big thanks to Andy the organizer for setting it all up - massive effort that created a massive event! Thanks to Lars for being his regular mastermind-self back home!

..and a massive Go Raibh Maith Agaibh to the people of Dublin for showing us a great time!!

Oh and all you guys listening to Irish radio...keep an ear out for my ranting about the unfairness of the result - soon on an airwave near you! :)

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