A clip with a Flip by Andy- Irish Manager in a crazy ass Crepe Restaurant.
(You wouldn't think it but amazing crepes)
The French Battle:
This was a strange but interesting battle. Strange because it wasn't your average Secret Wars venue but interesting from the point of view that it was different. The setting for this French encounter was in this chilled out lounge/cafe esque bar called Dune. That being said- a battle is a battle no matter where its held so Team Dublin was ready for anything. Armed with Irish supporters from Dublin, Geneva, and other parts of France, the venue seemed to feel more like home. Nevertheless, we were in Paris and the French were just as prepared. After the introductory Secret Wars brief (one in English, & one in French) the battle was underway. Paris took the early lead by busting out big characters while Dublin were still mapping out the white wall of the venue. Being the 1st battle of the League to be streamed live online (courtesy of the venue) the whole internet world were watching Dublin loose it. However- 30 mins on & Dublin were full steam ahead busting out some big bold lines. Alas Team Paris watched as Dublin made up a lot of wall space, bringing the battle to a proper head to head fight. In the end Paris could do nothing but to add in some of the Team Dublin's characters into their Ghost Busters themed piece called "Dublin Busters" . A great piece- however Dublin did they're research & created a worthy piece based on the smell off the French Metro underground which incorporated a drunk Mickey Mouse and a sick ass Quasimodo. The piece was a bold move- but won over not just the French & Irish supporters but the two guest judges to take the final scores 3-0. A shock to all including the French Team- but thats Secret Wars I guess. Big up to all the boys in Team Paris and Jim they're manager. A shout out to our sponsors Edding, Reebok, Flip & Casio G-Shock who also came down to support. Lastly a massive thanks to our Irish supports that showed up- SAFE!
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